Are you frustrated that you don’t have enough time to support and educate your patients more closely on healthy habits and behavior change? Are your patients frustrated because they need more hand-holding and accountability than you have time to give?

Physicians are busy, and rarely have time to engage patients in behavior-change action plans. With ever-increasing demands on an MD’s time, there’s precious little time available to do collaborative patient education.

I can help your patients achieve their health goals!

Many patients with gout continue to have flares and attacks without being able to correctly identify which foods trigger them. Because of our genetic diversity, everyone predisposed to gout will have a unique diet solution.

This is because of the many foods containing oxalates, lectins, phytates, gluten, seed oils, refined sugar and starch that trigger an inflammatory response. But which of these are trigger foods?

That’s exactly where I come in. As a health coach, my job is to coach people through the lifestyle changes needed to identify trigger foods/implement an exercise regime/improve their sleep/and manage stress.

I can help your patients ensure they understand the care plan you created for them. I work closely with them, to implement the complex lifestyle changes that are often required to make significant improvements in their health.

As a doctor, your time is a premium. In your patient encounters, you may only have time to make recommendations and outline a plan … but some of your patients need close support and assistance in actually implementing that plan.

  • Rest assured that your recommendations are being communicated in a way that your patients can understand and adhere to.
  • Empower your patients to improve their own health through lifestyle change
  • Increase your available time and satisfaction, knowing that the education and coaching component of your patients’ wellness strategy has been taken care of
  • Outsource the time-consuming tasks of patient support, motivation, and education
  • Increase your own revenue potential, by freeing up your available time for more visits

Research is beginning to show that patient outcomes improve with health coaching. In fact, the American Medical Association has this to say:

“Health coaching is a team-based approach that helps patients gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to become active participants in their care. The old saying, “Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he eats for a lifetime” demonstrates the difference between rescuing a patient and coaching a patient. Patients with chronic conditions need to learn how to fish. Health coaching can be supplemented with health literacy strategies and effective communication techniques, such as ask-tell-ask, teach-back and/or action planning to ensure patient comprehension of their care plans and help them achieve their goals.”

My Services

  • I work one-to-one with clients, to coach them on healthy lifestyle changes, so they can overcome any barriers standing in their way
  • I help guide clients through the overall plan you have recommended, and work with them to create detailed, step-by-step action plans
  • I meet with clients on a regular basis to provide accountability and constant support
  • I help each of my clients create individualized health goals, tailored to fit with their lifestyles, challenges, and needs
  • I help my clients achieve their health goals, so they can return to you, their physician, with improved lowered uric acid levels

I have created a very simple referral system so you can quickly and easily get your patients the personalized support and accountability they need.

I’ve made it easy for you to refer your patients to me, so they can get started with me right away, and you can have the confidence that they will get the support they deserve.

Once you make the referral, I’ll get in touch with your patient directly to discuss their options.

Please select REFER ME to recommend your patient through this HIPPA compliant link.